In their first engagement at the Battle of Geonosis, the Acclamator Mark I proved pivotal in the Republic victory, delivering legions of clone troopers to the battlefield while a large Republic fleet engaged the Separatist fleet in orbit. This basic design would be used in a number of larger craft predating it and would define Imperial ships for decades to come. The Acclamator Mark I favors a wedge, or dagger shaped design, like the Republic warships during the Mandalorian Wars, due to its effectiveness-it allowes concentration of firepower while minimizing target profile. Each Acclamator Mark I traditionally holds 320 speeder bikes for fast battlefield reconnaissance and patrol duties. Eighty LAAT gunships are carried to insert personnel, vehicles, and cargo to battle zones in addition to providing close air support. The Acclamator Mark I carries support equipment and vehicles, such as AT-TE and SPHA walkers, used to provide troopers with heavy battlefield support. In addition to ground landings, Acclamator-class ships are capable of water landings. The ships can carry thousands of troops into battle, something that would carryover into the later Acclamator Mark II despite being designed more for space combat. Groups of these ships can perform a " Base Delta Zero", an orbital bombardment that would exterminate all life on the planet. The 752-meter-long Acclamator-class is armed with 4 heavy torpedo launch tubes 24 point-defense laser cannons, rated at 6 megatons per shot and 12 quad turbolaser turrets, each rated as high as 200 gigatons per shot. The Acclamator Mark I is often credited as the predecessor to the fearsome Star Destroyer Line.

The Acclamator-class Assault Ship Mark I, also known as the Republic Assault Ship, Acclamator-class Star Destroyer, or Acclamator-class Medium Frigate, is a starship that was created for the Galactic Republic by Rothana Heavy Engineering. We have worked with only the best shipbuilders to fulfill that request." - Lama Su " Master Sifo-Dyas requested the most powerful army in the galaxy.